I thought I would give a highlight of the first 3 weeks of being a mom to perfect Noah. But as I am still trying to finish thank you cards I thought I would send out a big THANK YOU to all of our loved ones for their excitement, joy, support and love for us and Noah. Many of you are far away which I hate but you are close in our thoughts and hearts. I can't wait for you to meet Noah.
I am a bullet point person so here are some highlights.
1- It amazes me how I can feel completely obsessed with this little person who really doesn't do much. I can't get enough of him and only because I know I have to share do I allow Corey and Maya to hold him. :-)
2- Noah is slowly becoming more alert. He still sleeps a lot but each day he is opening his eyes and staying awake a little longer. Too bad one of these times is typically between 3 and 4 am.
3- I can survive on little sleep. It is great not having the pressure of going to work yet as Noah and I are working on extending his feeding schedule. He likes to eat about every hour which can become pretty tiring. I was reluctant to introduce the pacifier but it has become my friend as I try to extend time between feedings. Last night he actually went 2 1/2 hours a few times. whoo hoo!
4- Clothes that fit are hard to find. I do love the gerber newborn onesies. They fit the best but finding ones that have long sleeves is difficult. Also it amazes me how different the sizes are with clothes. He has so many cute clothes but he doesn't fit into any of them yet. I struggle because I can't wait for them to fit but I am not ready for him to grow.
5- We are very blessed that he is not a big crier (yet that is). He likes to groan and he looks so cute when he opens his mouth and turns his head everywhere when he wants to eat. It reminds me of baby birds in their nest sticking their little beaks up waiting for the worm. It cracks me up.
6- He makes the best faces right after he is done eating. He looks so content, even smiles a little. That is one of my favorite times. His eyes are open, he smacks his lips, sticks out his tongue etc. Just really cute stuff. I tell ya, when they don't do much you need to appreciate the little things.
7- We started doing some tummy time during the day. I have to admit I am not sure how to entertain the little guy yet. My songs are a little dumb and he knows what I do everyday because it is always with him. But he seems to like tummy time. I was very impressed with his pilates ability as he lifted both his head and legs up off the ground at the same time.
8- Nursing. I just have to vent and or give advice to my friends who have not yet had a child. I wish someone would have discussed this with me. We are getting the hang of breastfeeding. I have needed to be patient and it truly is a learning thing between you and the baby. However, no one mentioned that you really do need a whole new wardrobe. It made me laugh when on one of our first nights home and I wore my nightgown. Then when it was time to feed him I realized I had to pull up the nightgown all the way up. It was too bunchy and I couldn't see the baby so I had to just take it off. It was in the early hours of the morning and I was freezing. I realized I needed some button down pajamas. I also have realized I don't have many button down shirts and layering shirts is out of the question. Yeah they mentioned nursing bras but I am now enlightened to the concept of new clothes. Don't know what I am going to do at church when I wear a dress. So complicated. :-)
9- Cabin Fever- It is a good thing Noah is cute and that I am enjoying being with him or I would truly go crazy. Being in the house all day every day is definitely a challenge. I had all these plans to accomplish projects around the house but I am lucky if I get dressed, clean the dishes and care for the baby. I find I need to sleep because it didn't happen during the night and I don't have the energy or desire to start a project. Hopefully over the next few weeks the weather will become a little warmer and I will have some more energy.
10- SOOO cute. Did I mention that Noah is absolutely adorable? He is now 7 lbs, went down to 6 lbs 11 oz when we left the hospital. He is so easy, cuddly, lovable and fun. It will be fun to see how he changes over the next few weeks. I will keep you posted.
Hope this didn't bore anyone.
Here are some more pictures. |
Comments on "1st 3 weeks"
Congrats! He is so cute! Oh and by the way you don't wear dresses to church. It is skirts and shirts until you are done nursing!! Sorry!!
He is so sweet. I like all the details, I am going to need to know this stuff. He looks perfect. I can't wait to meet him!
What a sweet little guy. Props to you for breastfeeding. This is my 2nd round of breastfeeding and it's been a struggle both times. It'll get easier. Please feel free to vent. I know what your going thru. Nursing shawls are a must in my book cuz I can never get the blanket to stay in place.
I'm glad your taking pictures cuz it all goes by so fast. I love the name Noah. That's awesome that your doing so well with the lack of sleep.
Don't forget to get Mommy in the pictures. That was a precious one of Noah and Dad. Thanks for posting, now go and enjoy a nap.
Oooohhh, he is so cute! I loved your list. I like how you included the good and the bad, good to know. And no, your post isn't boring...keep them coming!
Oh, I can so relate! Lacey was born the end of January and it was really hard for me to have a baby in the middle of winter because of the "cabin fever" that sets in. But Spring is around the corner, and it gets MUCH better when you can go for walks and such. As for the nursing... I never wore dresses while I nursed and I put everything that was hard to nurse in in a separate part of my closet so I didn't accidentally wear something I couldn't nurse in and then get stuck out in public somewhere. And don't feel guilty about the binky -- it's a fabulous invention!
Oh he's so adorable. I also love a pacifier, and since I never stopped nursing before getting pregnant again, I still haven't been able to wear half my wardrobe. You get used to it though. I hope to meet little Noah soon
He is so cute and I loved this post. As a mom of a 5 week old now I understood everything you were going through. can't wait to meet him.