Wednesday, August 30, 2006

55 Gallon Aquarium Update

It's been a while since I posted any pictures of the Aquarium. In fact, the last time, it was looking nearly incapable of ever sustaining life. Well, here is proof that all is well.

When Matt and Cami moved to Richmond, they decided to not try to move their 30 gallon aquarium. Instead, most of it is now in the 55 gallon tank. That helped the tank look much more lively. The additional fish, coral, clams and anemone really added a lot.

Mom and Dad, I'm sure, are thrilled that they now are taking care of this without the help of Matt of Cami. Thanks a lot guys. I promise I will move it out (along with all my stuff filling up your garage) as soon as I get a place back in Utah!

Here are some more pictures.

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