Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Disc Golf

The last time I played Disc Golf, it was pouring rain and most of the people did not have discs (or even a standard Frisbee). Lara brought a bunch of very small souvenir style Frisbees that most people tried to use. Lara and I teamed up with my full size Frisbee and dominated. Well, in our own minds at least. It was actually a lot of fun sloshing through the mud in the rain.

This weekend, Matt showed Cami, Jill and myself how the game is acutally supposed to be played. He demonstrated why he has so many different discs on the soccer field before we started. He described the proper form, follow through, angling of the disc, etc.

Matt: "OK, this disc will curve to the left at the end of the flight." Which it did right on cue.
Matt: "And this disc will curve to the right." Again right on cue.

Then it was our turn. He selected a few beginner friendly discs, we wound up and released. Our throws were pretty embarrasing. True examples of the opposite of Matt's throws.

No grace, no control, and no distance.

Game On!

We had a lot fun throwing our discs into the shrubs, chipping bark off of the trees, losing discs in the small stream, and finding poison oak. Unfortunately we ran out of time to complete all nine holes.

We were so close to making an amazing come back and beating the shorts off of Matt!

Next time Matt, you're going down!

Here are a few more pictures.

Comments on "Disc Golf"


Blogger cami said ... (Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:38:00 PM) : 

Bring it on Corey. Any time any place! Just kidding, I had a blast and need lots of practice still.


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