Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Few Firsts this Week

It was not much of a noteworthy week although I did do a few things for the first time this week. None of which are particularly impressive, but I'm hoping that added together they amount to a blog entry that isn't completely boring.
  • Watched a whole episode of Survivor
    • I witnessed a new level of reality tv watching. The Van Atta's love their Survivor. There were several pauses and discussions on strategies. I'm not sure what they would do without Tivo. My eyes have been opened.
  • Shot a bucket of balls at a driving range
    • Anne and I shared two buckets at Woody's and had a blast laughing at each other's attempts to hit those little white balls. Then we stuffed ourselves at Outback where Anne had prime rib for the first time.
  • Completed the full loop at Rosaryville
    • I have been there a few times for trail work days, but have never been on more than about a mile of the trail. Today, I caught up with Peter as he was finishing his third 10 mile loop and wanted to do another.
  • Used Duct Tape and Zip Ties to fix my broken seat
    • About half way through the loop at Rosaryville my seat post decided to desintegrate. As I am collecting the pieces to put into my pack, Peter says "Don't put anything away. You forget who you're riding with." MacGyver, I mean Peter, procedes to reattach the seat to the post with zip ties and Duct tape and we rode on. I spent most the the remaining 4 to 5 miles standing up which was quite the workout.

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